Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why Join the ITV Ventures Team?

Allow me to take this time to introduce our Team a bit further...

ITV Leaders Team is a group of professionals dedicated to your success. Our ITV Leaders Team is one of the largest groups within ITV Ventures. Why is that? Because we know how to get the job done and we are serious about helping you do the same!

I will tell you that I have never ever been involved with a group this dynamic. I am talking true leaders in the industry helping everyone on our team. It doesn't matter if you're brand new to marketing or a seasoned veteran, we share our knowledge for everyone's success.I am happy to say that I work for myself.

Yep, no schedules but my own, no commutes to work and no bosses. Talk about financial freedom! A home business is all you need to start living life on YOUR terms-and that's exactly what I'm doing.

Right now I am in the process of setting up appointments with others like you who asked for more information about starting a home business. Nothing formal, just a quick, friendly conversation. It will give you a better idea of what kind of company we are and see if we match what you're looking for, to progress toward financial freedom.

My contact info is below. Give me a call or email me a time that's convenient for you. I am here to provide you with all the assistance you need, so please feel free to contact me at any time.

I look forward to speaking with you!

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine

Friday, January 18, 2008

ITV Ventures is CHANGING the Home Business Revolution!

Check this out:

Find out how ITV Ventures is CHANGING the home business revolution! Why top industry leaders are stopping what they are doing and jumping on board full force????

  • A business model that has never been created! Make history with us!

  • 50+ million dollars spent in television advertising that You can tap into!
    We will have over 200 revolutionary products that are nationally branded and you get wholesale pricing!

  • You never have to go after friends, family or relatives! But once they see what you are doing they will want to join you.. ; )
  • Never cold call again! Calls from our advertising will be diverted directly to your phone when you want 24/7!

  • You can actually retail the products with up to 100% markup taking live calls from people that just watched the infomercial!

  • There are 15 ways to make money!

  • Solid 7 year old half billion dollar debt free company that will be your partner!

  • Monthly training and support to excel you to the top!

  • No limit to the income that you can make! Become financially free in 2-5 years!

There you have it, boys and girls! Get on over to ITV Ventures TODAY, and answer that call!
<--------Click Here

Answering the Call,

Lisa Fine
ITV Independent Business Owner

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Product Info -- ThinkStraight

Natural Brain Food

ThinkStraight® formula is a combination of brain specific nutrients and herbs shown to support healthy brain and emotional function.* Research suggests the ingredients in ThinkStraight® are associated with reducing effects of stress and increasing energy. It also enhances mood, relaxation, sleep, memory, focus and mental alertness.* The synergistic combination of vinpocetine, vitamin B6, Rhodiola rosea, Ginkgo biloba, vitamin C, vitamin E, T-3 Arginol Complex, and L-theanine are included in ThinkStraight®. It does exactly what its name implies: It helps us to think straight.*


  • Boosts mental alertness

  • Improves overall brain power

  • Improves proper nutrition to help you better handle stress

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

Hey Check Out This Way Cool Biz Review Site!

Ok so I was doing some research, and I came accross this site that tells you about the trendiest businesses out there, and whether or not they're profitable or scams. Guess what was on the TOP of their list (of hundreds)? ITV VENTURES!!!'s a screenshot:

Here's the link:

Here's what they say:

SX Review - About 4 years ago I threw in the towel on MLM (Multi-Level Marketing). I had no problem building a downline, but the majority of the people that I recruited were not successful regardless of how much help I was giving them. Sound familar?

If you have ever been involved in an MLM business then the mere mention of MLM probably makes you cringe. When I first looked at this MLM business, ITV Ventures™, I just knew I was going to find a flaw in the system somewhere so I could just to add it to my "Not Recommended" list and call it a day. After all, this was just an MLM opportunity from a TV Infomercial company for-crying-out-loud... yeah right... like that's going to work!

Well, as it turns out, my first assumptions of ITV Ventures were dead wrong. Not only is this a legitimate, highly profitable home based Internet business, but it is now my #1 recommended business opportunity... and the ONLY MLM business I currently recommend. ALL of the major problems people have ever had with MLM absolutely do NOT exist here! You know... simple things like "where do I find people to sell the products to?" -or- "I don't like talking to friends & family about my businesses" -or- "I can't figure out how to recruit anyone" -or- "I don't want to stock products at home" -or- ...

With ITV Ventures, you can build a consistent, reliable & huge RESIDUAL income entirely from home WITHOUT ever having to recruit people or have any marketing skills whatsoever. ITV™ (parent company) is so good at direct response advertising, in 5 short years, they already have 2 million customers in their database and on most days, they get tens of thousands of callers who call in after watching their 'talk show' style 30-minute TV infomercials.

Now, with their 600 person call centers in both Boston and Maine, they still miss at least half the callers, and simply never get a chance to call them back to just take orders, answer basic questions, up sell other products, etc, nor do they have the time to fully establish a proper client service relationship with their existing database of 2 million clients. In effect, they're missing out on tens of millions of dollars in profits by not maximizing the 'real-life-time-value' of each customer. The solution? They've spent 8 years planning their new division known as ITV Ventures™ & perfecting the technology known as the "Home Agent Program" (HAP for short), which allows people now to be part of a real home based business with a very real chance at success.

A paradigm shift has taken place where people are now able to answer live phone calls from home of those responding to the nationally advertised TV infomercials via the 800 number that's displayed during the TV infomercials. It's sheer genius and it's predicted to revolutionize not only the infomercial business, but also the work from home Internet business industry as well.

1. You'll be in the infomercial business that promotes and sells nationally branded products that have a positive impact on people's lives, plus the very same infomercials will drive hot LIVE business leads (in-bound calls straight to your home phone) to you in your home! You don't have to have an "inner cycle" or a database to actually make money or even have to be proficient in Internet Marketing!

2. You'll be in the Internet marketing business where the TV infomercials (online videos) are on your own website (provided for you at no extra cost) so your customers can buy products from your site or prospects can simply go to your website for more information about the business opportunity!

3. You'll have the optional benefit of a MLM compensation plan so powerful it's in the process of being patented to further leverage the residual component already built in, with or without the MLM pay plan! This is referred to as our "Retirement Plan!"

4. You'll be able to do all this without having to bug friends and family nor are you required to do any hotel meetings or anything else everyone hates about MLM! This is where the MLM compensation plan makes this business model even more phenomenally lucrative!

As was explained above, you don't need the recruiting side of this MLM to take advantage of the residual income this business provides because you still get residual income from auto-ship / reorders even if you just decided to do the retailing of products!

Let's say for instance... if over the course of a year you only sold 1,000 auto-ship products (that's averaging only 84 sales per month or less than 3 auto-ship product sales per day... and working less than 2 hours a day) at a profit of just $15 per recurring sale...

($15 X 84 sales/month = $1,260 in additional residual income per month, that's $1,260 X 12 months worth of accumulation = $15,120 per MONTH not year),

You would be earning $15,000 per month in residual income at month 12. In the aforementioned scenerio you would be earning $2,520 residual by month 2, at $3,780 residual by month 3, at $7,560 residual by month 6, at $11,340 residual by month 9 and $15,120 residual at month 12... this is income you'd make before you even went to work for the month... that's the power of residual income!

Yes, you read that right... you'd be making over $15,000 per month in residual income after only 1 year WITHOUT the need to recruit a single person! Now... image what it would be if you worked at this full-time... BUT... the residual aspect of recruiting via a MLM compensation plan only enhances this overall business model! Now you're able to work from home and have people ringing through to you after they have watched a 30-minute infomercial about how they can start their own highly profitable home based Internet business that comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! See that video here:

After you answer a few basic questions and they sign up, not only do you get a $150 sign up bonus, but roughly 6% of the group volume they retail from home which leverages your time and your money! With a current budget of a million dollars plus a week in advertising , ITVventures will be generating tens of thousands of highly targeted inbound leads a day for both product sales and business opportunity seekers for you to speak with.

So... after 60 years worth of MLM businesses that have come and gone, I can finally recommend one that works as advertised! :-) ITV Ventures is so good that this is now my primary business endeavor.


Answering the Call!

Lisa Fine

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Set Your Mind To Win With ITV Ventures!

Here's an AMAZING story from the desk of rennalp6h76xzg (wish I knew his real name):

Have you ever heard someone say, I could do it if I could just set my mind to it. Have you ever uttered these words, even just to yourself?

You can you know. And me too. I really can achieve what I set my mind to. This belief has pulled me out many times from difficult situations, and for anyone discovering this feeling, you cannot describe the power inside. No bragging, just quiet confidence.

Have you heard about the story of mothers pulling great weights off their sons or daughters in order to save their lives. And then find out that the weight they lifted was virtually impossible!

Tell that to a mother who is trying to save her children. There is no impossible in her mind. There is no other acceptable alternative other than total and complete success.

You can use this principle! We will move heaven and earth when we feel it is important to do so. You really can get anything you want in life if you set your mind to it. The timing and strategy may change, but the result is in the bank, 'if you set your mind to it.

'OK. You have my curiosity stoked, you say. Now you ask, how do you set your mind to it? Ahhhh. There's the rub. The question of the ages rears it ugly head once again.I have written a success story of mine below. I am not proud of where I was, I am proud of how I handled it and came back.

1987 - This period of my life was both the worst time of my life and the best time of my life. Anyone hitting rock bottom can relate.

That year 1987, my life was in the "crapper." I was in a downward spiral, and couldn't seem to stop myself from ruining not only my life but my family's too. I was drifting away from the very people who were most important to me.

It's funny that even when you know that you are screwing up, you sometimes can't seem to make change. That's when you sometimes get lucky. At least I was.

I was drinking heavily, an alcoholic by definition, not by belief. I was up late drinking myself into a stupor and fell asleep with a lit cigarette in the ash tray. When I woke up the next morning, the cigarette had burned down, fell out of the ash tray onto the coffee table and burned a thin streak into the wood.

Now you would think that this would shake anybody up, but, this wasn't the catalyst! No.

When our little girl Sheri came down this particular morning, she remarked, horrified, that I could have burned the house down! I could have died just from the look on her face. Well, I would move mountains for my family so it was enough of a picture that I gave up smoking right then and there. March 5, 1987 My focus was laser concentrated, quitting smoking was the most important thing to do in my life at this time.

If you notice, I never said that I gave up drinking there. No. Not enough leverage for that one yet.Later that year we were at a friend's wedding, and I still was drinking heavily. Probably more heavily if that could be possible. It's a wonder that I didn't get alcohol poisoning, I had no problem downing whole cases of beer, and requesting more. (24 packs in Ontario, where we were living at the time.)

When we came home that night, my wife and I got into an argument, and after verbally abusing her, the argument elevated. I HIT HER.

I struck my wife, a little more than 115-120 lbs soaking wet! What a big man I was. The argument continued for another few minutes, but she picked up the kids and left the house for her mothers.

At that instant, I realized even through my drunkenness that I had crossed the line.When the next morning came, and I had sobered up a little, I could have cut my right arm off. In my life, I had swore that I would never become one who would beat on their wife. And I had hit her physically.

I have never had another alcoholic drink since that time. July 18, 1987. Quit cold turkey, with leverage that few people get to feel. Thank God for that. And of course I never hit her again. She is absolutely the most important person in my life, and I try to demonstrate that daily.

Change took on a whole new importance to me. I had tremendous leverage on myself. I had crossed a line in my mind, a threshold, that gave me absolute power over my actions. That is where we have to be when we expect change to last.

The results? That year, I quit smoking in the spring, and I quit drinking that summer. I started jogging at this same time and started out going around a little park behind our house, probably a 5 minute run but took me 11 minutes, pumping and puffing.

During the next 3 months I worked up to 5 miles a day, and dropped weight from 245 to 185. My focus was concentrated solely on the fact that I knew I was better than this and I must change my life now. For myself and for my family.

I felt tremendous urgency. I felt better then than at any other time in my life. My mind was clear on the objective. Sure there were distractions, but my purpose was enough to get me through and manage them.

In 1988, I led my team at work to a company wide contest win, great recognition for me. And I took my wife Anne on her dream trip, a trip for 2 weeks to Hawaii. We took everything in we could, and took 33 rolls of film to sit together and look at later.

I journalled my thoughts and feelings at that time, but alas, I did not journal in a hard bound book, just a three ring binder. The pages tossed away sometime ago. Therefore, I have only my memory to serve me. (Journalling regularly is a great way to measure how much one has grown. I recommend it heartily.)

What really pulled me out was the realization that, not only was I completely fouling up my life and my family's, but that I was not creating anything for them or myself. I was not being who I was supposed to me. My idea of who I am, was completely in direct contradiction to what I was acting out.

Now. Back to the Present.So, how do you set your mind to it? How do you make what you want, the most important thing in your life for the time period needed to achieve?

How do you give it importance over those things you most value already?

Connect them up. Use what is already important in your life and connect it to what you want to have, with stronger, more powerful reasons associating the fact that one gets stronger and more potent with the other.

How do you take something you have doing for years and stop 'cold turkey', and turn it around to give you terrific momentum for the positive?

How do you take something that you have been trying to do for years, and failing, and turn it around so that you are successful at it immediately?

You must make it the most important thing to do in your life for the time period necessary to ingrain it into your life. And you must make it a MUST! Just like in the story of the mother saving her child. There is no other acceptable alternative other than total and complete success.

Connect it to something you feel is already critically important and merge them. Make one depend on the other and you will be pulled to success. Look forward to your new future!

My guess is that at some time in your life you have 'set your mind' to something and cruised to victory. This is the feeling you want to remember and practice.

Think back, pull the memories of successful changes you have already made and you will have your own personal strategy that you know works for you. You just have to consciously remember and practice it.

There are many ways to change. You probably already know these but are you using them? I have found them absolutely critical to habit development and change. The degree of success you have will be directly proportionate to the degree you apply these principles.

They create a 'pull' instead of you having to 'push'. Logical reasons will help, but emotional reasons have the most power. Here are 5 strategies that I feel are critical.

1. Decision to Commit - Pure resolve that I am doing it. No matter what, whatever it takes. There is no option acceptable other than to do it.

2. Great Reasons that move me to ACTION! Strong Empowering Emotional Reasons WHY I must do this.

3. Connection to what's already important. Anchoring positive thoughts over negative to control focus. Look forward to your new future.

4. Associating with people who have done it or are doing it. Immerse myself.

5. Change My Identity, to a Self Image that is consistent with what I want.

I use these strategies in conjunction with each other. It does however depend on the habit you want to create or replace.More later at another time, this will give you a great place to start. Go for it!

Wow! Some great stuff! Thanks!

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

Saturday, January 12, 2008

ITV Ventures and The Incredible Power of Willingness

From the desk of suhardi :

When you think about daily motivation, what do you think of first? Which aspects of daily motivation are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish. The story I'm about to tell you is based on the true story. I hope you can learn anything from the man on the following story.

There was a man who was a resident in New York City and also a web designer. One day he took a subway in Brooklyn District to go somewhere. And when the train was on the way, he saw a girl, a drop-dead gorgeous girl not far from him. And he fell in love at the first sight with her. He had never had his feeling that way before. She was so pretty to him. And he wanted to meet and asked for her name soon after the train arrived at the station.

And when the train arrive at the station, he was about to go to the girl and meet her. Unfortunately, however, there were too many passengers that cause his sight was hindered by the passengers walking down the subway. Finally, he lost the girl and after searching for her everywhere, he still couldn't find her.

Day after day passed by, and he was more deeply fell in love with the girl he met at the subway days before and his feeling of love was stronger than before until one day he decided to find the way or do whatever to find the girl.He finally committed to find the girl. His willingness to meet her was unstoppable. He then began to make a website. In the website, he wrote all about her physical appearance and also wrote a message to let him knew if someone had met her before or knew her or knew the information about her.

In just hours after publishing the website, many responses came to him. There were some people sympathizing him, some people gave courage and support, some people gave advice or ways to help him finding the girl, and some girls even offered their love to him.

And his hard effort was successful. There was a girl who confessed that she knew the girl he searched for. And the good news was that the man could finally find and meet the girl he was in deep love with. The end of the story was unknown. The man didn't want to tell more.

Message for readers:

It doesn't matter that the continuation of the story is unknown. But we can learn from the man's commitment on the story above. You probably wonder how he can find the girl. There are about 11 millions residents in New York City. How can he find the girl in a very large city like New York is? You perhaps think that it's impossible to find her out. But this is the true power of willingness. Impossibility turns into possibility by the power of willingness and commitment.

How strong your willingness is? Do you have strong will to achieve success in your life? Many people want to achieve success, to be richer, healthier, luxurious housing and car, higher promotion in work etc. If you ask them whether they want better and more successful life, they'll absolutely say yes. But we probably wonder why still so many people do not get what every other people want. There are only minority of people who live in success. This depends on the will that everyone has. They want everything in this life. But they just want it. They do not have strong will to achieve them. It doesn't matter whether you can achieve it or not, but all that matter is that you has the will to achieve it or not. You can't get what you want if you simply do not have the will to achieve that because you think that it isn't a must. If you feel that it doesn't matter if you finally achieve it or not, you will act differently with when you act using strong will and you will not use your maximum potency and can you guess what results you will get? You'll get the results you'll never expect to have.

There's nothing can stop you to achieve whatever you want to be, to do and to have if you really have the strong willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve them as the Chinese proverb says, "If you have the will, you can move the mountain."

If you have the will, you can do everything that seems to be impossible for everyone to do. Your will is like the fuel to boost your action toward success. Nothing is impossible when you really have the will. How strong your willingness is will determine how big you'll achieve. Simply take a look at the story above. Everything seems to be impossible, but the man can finally prove that he can. That's the power of will. Nothing can stop you and you will slide fast like a train.

You can't just want success. It's not enough. If you really want to achieve success, you must have strong will to achieve that. Your willingness will make you having commitment. By having commitment, you'll do everything to accomplish even when everything seems to be hard and impossible. You will also find the way to achieve your success. The way will be given to you only if you have the will to look for it.

As the addition, the power of willingness will drive and keep you in track of your success. You are you today because of your will, you achieve success because of your will, and you can be, do and have what you truly want because of your will. If you have strong willingness, everything in this world is very possible for you. To get success, you need to use your will power upon yourself.

Remember this proverb: "WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY." Of course, it's impossible to put everything about daily motivation into just one article. But you can't deny that you've just added to your understanding about daily motivation, and that's time well spent.

Good Stuff!

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

Friday, January 11, 2008

Product Info -- Supreme GREENS

Supreme GREENS™
With MSM™ and Risolubles™

Every vegetable capsule is packed with the nutrition of fresh vegetables and rice bran (Risolubles®). It’s hard to eat vegetables at every meal, but Supreme Greens makes it easy. This proprietary formula is a powerful whole food blend of naturally grown grasses, vegetables, sprouted grains, rice bran and herbs. It nourishes your body with the amino acids, antioxidants and plant nutrients you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle!


  • Carefully selected blend of potent greens

  • Provides more concentrated nutrition than ever before

  • Rice Bran Risolubles® contain over 120 naturally-occurring antioxidants!

  • Nutrient-rich vegetables and herbs support against free-radical damage

  • Contains methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a form of biological sulfur that enhances the formula's effectiveness.

    Answering the Call,
    Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
    ITV Independent Business Owners

Quitting the NFL (No Friends Left) Club

I LOVE this article from Debbie Johnson! GO Debbie!

There is a new business model that is “Rocking the World of Network Marketing.” We have all heard that the gurus like Donald Trump and Robert Kyosaki have recommended Network Marketing as the way that the average person can begin to turn the tides and grow wealth.

The concept of leveraging your time and earning money off of the efforts of others certainly does sound appealing. The low start-up costs coupled with the incredible tax benefits of a home based business, make it affordable for anyone who is serious.
However, the biggest drawback has always been finding that “elusive” customer that is interested in your products or business. Many individuals got started in their venture only to find that their friends and neighbors simply didn’t want their products, and didn’t see the vision of the business opportunity.

Now What?? Unless you were already an internet marketer or had a huge advertising budget, your business was dead in the water. Most people sell a little product and sign up on average about 2 people, and then they quit! Their budget is now gone, and most have spent more than they ever made. So who was making the big money that Donald and Robert are talking about?

Usually those big marketers, or people who simply got in at the very beginning. Many folks who saw the bigger picture and the incredible income possibility found themselves joining multiple opportunities as they sought out the right company, the right products, or the company that was just getting started, so they could now be at the top.

After multiple failed attempts, many found themselves sure that they simply didn’t have what it takes to make it in the Network (MLM Business), and vowed to never do it again. They had joined the NFL (No Friends Left) Club as they pitched their latest opportunity and products to anyone who would listen.

Maybe you are one of those folks who see their friends walk the other direction when they see you approach, simply to avoid hearing about what ever opportunity of the day you may be offering this time. Sound familiar?

Well all that is about to change. The newest rage is called Direct Response Network Marketing. It has been developed by Donald Barrett of ITV. You may not know his name, but I’m sure you’ve seen him on all of those Saturday Morning InfoMercials. His dream of combining the incredible power of TV Infomercials with Home Based network Marketing has finally come to fruition with his Remote Agent program.

Customers (and those interested in the business opportunity) tune in to the Infomercial and if interested call the number on the screen. That number is re-routed to the home of the Remote Agent who enters the order into their computer and receives a nice commission for their efforts.

That age old problem of finding customers has just been solved! Of course you are in business for yourself and must pay for those inbound calls, but even after calculating that expense, many agents are making over $35/hr!

When you also consider that many customers will be placed on “Auto-Assurance” and will automatically receive monthly re-orders of their favorite products, the residual income from that initial call can go on for months and months. Full training is provided (and is necessary) to ensure that you have basic knowledge about the products and can recommend additional products that meet the customers needs. Residuals quickly add up and drive that initial hourly commission up over $100 for many. $100/hr from home is the financial freedom that so many have been looking for.

Since Infomercials are on TV around the clock across the U.S., remote agents can sign up for the time slots that best fit their schedule. Students and night owls are seeing this as the opportunity of their dreams, as they sign up for those late night shifts.

If you are saying, “Now I think I could do that”, you are not alone. People around the country are seeing the value of this business model and are jumping on board. Many of those “heavy hitter” network marketers are seeing dollar signs as they recognize the incredible potential to make money on the efforts of other Remote Agents who are making great incomes.

You may be asking what happens when huge numbers of people are taking these calls. Will there be enough customers to go around? Not to worry. Since Remote Agents purchase call credits from ITV Ventures, the company can use those dollars to buy more and more Infomercial Time on more and more channels around the Country.

With so many companies setting up Call Centers in India and around the globe, I am thrilled to see ITV using this business model. They recognize that a Home Agent who is in business for themselves will provide much better customer service and will ensure the life time value of their mutual customer. It’s a win/win.

Thanks again, Debbie!

Answering the Call!
Lisa Fine
ITV Independent Business Owner

Big News From ITV Ventures!

Prices are coming DOWN at ITV Ventures! Check it out:

1) The $499 package is now $299 You can now become a premier IBO for only $299. The previously the cost was $499.

2) You can also now join as a premier IBO on a 2 payment plan so you don't have to pay the whole $299. up front!

3) You can also elect to join as a premier IBO with the miscellaneous Home Agent Program expenses included AND with $200. worth of "call credits" included for only $598. This puts you in business fast!

BONUS: There is a major new product coming soon! Details soon...Come back for more details!

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine

ITV Independent Business Owner

Who is Donald Barrett??

Donald Barrett is an entrepreneur best known for his development of ITV, a multimedia infomercial company. Recently, Donald Barrett joined forces with media giant Kevin Trudeau to form the largest infomercial conglomerate in the world. Having joined with Trudeau, Barrett's company promotes mainly health and wellness. In the words of ITV's president, "Products that positively impact people".

Not much is known about Barrett's background before ITV. What is known is that Donald Barrett was a pizza chef prior to the wild success of his ITV Ventures. For six years he dreamed of doing business in a way that impacts people on an everyday level. In 2006, that dream was realized and ITV direct was launched.

ITV Direct promoted and marketed health and wellness products through infomercials. These infomercials are broadcast nationally and the company focused on takes live calls from potential customers. This creates an environment that is conducive to making many thousands of sales simultaneously while also creating a targeted list of future contacts.

Obviously, Barrett is a visionary who has realized the dream of many Internet marketers. He has developed and marketed his business and as a result, has hacked out a niche in the direct marketing industry. From pizza chef to millionaire in a relatively short period, Donald Barrett has positioned himself as a marketing guru with further aspirations.

Remembering his days of Internet marketing and the process of developing his company, Donald Barrett has recently taken this idea to the next level with the launching of ITV Ventures. ITV Ventures brings the infomercial methods to the masses of Internet marketers. What was originally meant for the health and wellness industry has been adjusted to accommodate the network marketing industry.

This is a revolutionary idea that opens doors heretofore closed to the community of network marketers.

Donald Barrett has taken the "friends and family" out of network marketing. With Barrett's new company, the average Internet marketer can bring their business to a national audience. In addition to that, Barrett has also opened the business to anyone who wants to join with his team. Those who do join are eventually IBO's or independent business owners who can use the system for marketing purposes.

Another option is to take calls in your home with their home agent program. This is a way for anybody to make money just by taking calls from live customers generated by one of Barrett's infomercials.

In any case, Barrett has brought the possibilities of big business advertising methods to the masses of home business network marketers worldwide. Barrett's visionary tactics have proven themselves time and again as his business has had wild success that is sustained. They have recorded the following statistics:

  • Six years of recognized industry success

  • $400 million in annual sales

  • Over the last three years, revenue growth of 70 profit on ALL retail sales

Donald Barrett has brought the network marketing industry to a new level with his creation. A brand new niche is now open for network marketers everywhere. Barrett's dream has accomplished what other programs only dreamed of and THAT was his goal from the beginning.

Come join us!

Answering the Call!

Lisa Fine

ITV Independent Business Owner

Why Work at Home? (Why the Heck NOT?)

The concept of owning a home based business is gaining a lot of popularity. The creation of the internet has made it possible for many people to work from the comfort of their home. For many people, it is difficult to take up a regular nine to five job.

Some of these people may include:

  • Those with small children or babies
  • people with physical disabilities that are homebound
  • People with family responsibilities such as caretaking for elderly parents.

For many in these situations, a home-based business with the benefits of earning money through the internet is extremely beneficial. Some additional advantages of owning your own business are discussed below.

Be Your Own Boss
Many of you are tired of the unreasonable demands made by your boss. You also have other things you need to take care of at home at a specific time, but having to be at a 9-5 job makes time-management a challenge. There never seems to be enough hours in a day.

Owning your own business gives you freedom. You can work from wherever you want and whenever you want. There there is also financial freedom wherein you can make profits depending on the sales you generate. The rewards of your hard work go to you directly, not to your boss’ bonus check. YOU are in full control of your money-making capability.

Go Global
An internet home business can be started in a small way without much effort yet has the capacity of reaching out to a large audience globally. The internet can link you to 200 countries. You can develop valuable contacts from around the world. If you do not want to spend time advertising and promoting your products,
ITV Ventures does that work for you through their own infomercials. Yet YOU get the calls from interested customers. 50% of the work is done by ITV Ventures and all that is required of you is closing the sale.

Success From Your Home
Staying at home and conducting your business saves you the time and money required for traveling. You can actually put in more time for your business because you don’t have to “commute” to work. You save money on the wear and tear of your car and you can spend more time with your family. There will more flexibility in the working terms and conditions. There will be no office politics to deal with and the sky is the limit on your earning potential. you can make money based on the efforts you put in.

Save Time
When you own your own business you can do much more than by working from a regular office. You can do activities you like in your spare time such as picking up a new hobby; traveling all over the world or taking breaks for rest if unwell and more. There is nobody for you to beg or plead with to take some well deserved time for yourself. This kind of a business gives you a change from the regular routine. The change is a positive one as it leads to more income, less taxes and little input.

More Earnings
The most attractive feature of owning your own business is the financial gains you will receive. Normally, setting up your own business would involve a lot of risks and challenges as to where to get your capital from or which venture to choose. But the benefits of your efforts are tremendous and the sky is the limit as far as earning potential is concerned.

Come join us!

Answering the Call!
Lisa Fine
ITV Independent Business Owner

A Review of ITV Ventures

Here's an unbiased review of ITV Ventures from I-Newswire

Seven years ago, ITV Direct positioned itself to be first the turnkey infomercial provider in America. After several successful infomercials later and millions of products sold, ITV Direct created ITV Ventures in 2006 to help individuals make money from home selling their line of successful dietary supplements, cosmetics and books on natural health.

(Here's how it works, guys:)

The entrepreneur who decides to work with them, called an IBO, waits for calls to be routed to their home phone by prospects who have seen an infomercial and are interested in buying. The IBO works from a script, and can make up to 100% profit from all the products they sell.

The benefits to this work at home opportunity are numerous. It is a lead-based program where all the IBO has to do is sell the product to customers who have all already expressed interest in one of the numerous products available. Many of them have already bought these products in the past, so are familiar with the process.

It is suggested that the IBO starts off working one product, but new options are available for IBOs who are comfortable switching scripts and can sell several different products. These options allow an IBO to handle calls from a customer who has seen any one of the numerous ITV infomercials.

Other added improvements this month include a new chat window, which allows an IBO to get answers to their questions in real time, from any other IBO currently working who sees the question.

(Here's a really really AWESOME part:)

Because the program doesn't involve cold calling or garnering customer's interest, it is much easier to begin seeing a profit because people calling are already interested in the product.

You also can see large residuals without recruiting anyone if you wish, though you will make income off of the people you sign up.

All you need to start is:

  • A little money to begin
  • An internet connection
  • A landline phone with a headset
  • A quiet place to work.

You will get all the support you need from other IBOs and other materials to help you out.

Before you sign up, find out all your can about the person who you are signing up under, as they will pay a big part in your success. If possible, try to find other people who are using the same upline as you and find out how well the support is. This makes all the difference in the world. The right upline is an important key to success.

(They're talking about me, guys! And don't worry--I'll give you more support than a Triple E CUP bra!)

Many IBOs have reported income starting to come in within a couple of weeks, changing their fates quickly.

ITV Ventures saves the time of building a customer base and finding a medium for advertising.

Television is one of the FASTEST and EASIEST ways to sell products, AND it is also expensive. ITV Ventures allows their IBOs to remove their high overhead on advertising costs by doing all the advertising for them and allowing them to concentrate on selling.

ITV Ventures is an easy program to begin, backed by a company with a commitment to improving people's lives and increasing your bottom line.

Answering the Call!
Lisa Fine
ITV Independent Business Owner

Product Info – SolarCal-D

Marine Coral Calcium with Vitamin D

SOLARCAL-D™ is formulated with a precise combination of 1500 mg of one of the highest-grade marine coral calcium from the pristine island of Okinawa, Japan and 2000 IU of Vitamin D – also known as the sunshine vitamin – which is necessary for the proper absorption of Calcium.* The synergy between the two ingredients enhances the body’s ability to build and maintain strong bones as well as promote health and vitality.*


  • May reduce the risk of osteoporosis

  • May reduce risk of colorectal cancer

  • May reduce risk of hypertension

  • Integral to proper muscle, nerve and heart function

  • Helps maintain healthy immune systems

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

Great NEWS!

I have GOOD NEWS for YOU (the network marketer who has been hitting his/her head against the wall trying to succeed!!!)

What are your biggest Network Marketing PROBLEMS?

Most likely these three:

1. Finding interested prospects at a reasonable price.
2. Having a support team that is available when you need them.
3. Having tools to help even the newbie get a fast start.

There is a SOLUTION to your problems!

1. Targeted interested prospects from TV infomercials into your back office. They want what you have!

2. Support Team whose motto is, "Discover, Learn and Teach"! A support system like you've NEVER seen before!

3. Free Tools, audio postcard, lead capture page, splash page, sizzle calls, and more with LIVE training.

I Bet You Don’t Believe This Could Be True!

The only way to find out is to Watch THIS VIDEO! <----Click it....go ahead

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine
ITV Independent Business Owner

P.S. I will not even mention company, products or compensation plan, except they are EXCLUSIVE! The compensation plan is even Patent Pending!!!

P.P.S. Less Than 1/2 % Chance of Failure...if you give it a serious try!

P.P.P.S.Hot Networker’s are allowed to join too! You haven't seen anything like it!

A Must See!


How would you like to create unlimited income from the comfort of your home, using the power of TV Infomercials?

For the first time ever, this revolutionary new business model is offering YOU the ability to build a business from your home using over a million dollars a week in television advertising.


Many MAJOR MARKETING PLAYERS are jumping on this because they have caught the VISION and are seizing the OPPORTUNITY!

There are less than 3500 signed on right now, but it is growing by the day as we are just now in Pre-Launch!

NOW is the time if you want to allow yourself the chance to get set for life so that you can pursue all of your dreams!

This is like NO OTHER Company or Opportunity you have EVER seen!

You NEED to Watch this ------>

Answering The Call!
Lisa FineITV Independent Business Owner

Turn Your Life Around!

See how quickly life turns around for you financially....when OUR Company spends 1 million dollars a week to drive profits from our products right into your bank account.

Yes, this is an exciting home based income opportunity driven by mass media coverage.

ITV VENTURES is NOT a start up's a ramp up to success....yet, still a ground floor advantage with a penthouse view.I don't care if you've never been a business owner before, or if you've taken three other businesses straight into bankrupcy.... or even if you haven't got a clue what to do next to help your financial situation.None of that matters.The only thing that matters is your desire to get back to us NOW!

Make an Immediate Difference in Your life and the life of your family!!

You NEED to Watch this ----------> VIDEO <-------CLICK HERE
Answering The Call!
Lisa FineITV Independent Business Owner

I'm So FREAKIN Excited!

Ok so you know those late night infomercials that you never er plan on watching, but you get sucked in cuz the product looks so cool???

And when you call that 800 number and order because the deal is just TOO good to pass up, ever wonder who answers your call?

Ready for this? IT'S ME! I answer your call!! Well, me and a few thousand other insomniacs from all accross the country. And get this...It's NOT volunteer work! WE GET A PERCENTAGE OF EVERYTHING YOU BUY!

Why am I telling you this? Because these infomercials are getting bigger and better and attracting more customers, and they really need more technicians answering calls and taking orders.

So yeah...if answering phone calls in your jammies at home sounds good to you, Hop on over to ITV Ventures, and they'll put you to work!

Oh yeah...bookmark this blog and come back often! I'll be posting LOTS more great stuff! Till then........

Answer The Call!
Lisa Fine

Product Info -- Rice 'N Shine® Meal Replacement Drink

Rice 'N Shine® Meal Replacement Drink

For a morning boost that lasts a lifetime!

Start your day with Rice n’ Shine®, an exceptionally rich and delicious nutritional formula. Mix with milk, add to a smoothie or blend with ice cold water for a refreshing and energizing low-calorie drink. Makes a perfect midday snack too. Packed with protein, fiber and a host of essential nutrients, snack time has never been so healthy… or delicious!

Available in 3 Mouth-Watering Flavors: Original, Chocolate & Vanilla


  • Supports a healthy heart**

  • Encourages weight loss

  • Boosts energy level

  • Packed with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals

  • Tastes great! Original has fewest calories

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

The Key Factor Of Personal Success

From the desk of Nathan F Shaw:

Time management and getting organized and goal setting and all the rest, relies on this. Whether it's for personal or business interests of any kind.

Let's start at the beginning of what we see a successful person being in general. No matter your starting point, you can become that person. A person of achievement, satisfaction, balance, progress, power, application, control, etc. (very Western values I admit).

Here comes a mind scrambler. Get this and you'll be way ahead of the success and achievement game.

Before the question... There are 2 parts required for how to be successful. One is 'being success' (an internal 'zen-like' state, your 'inner game' if you will) And the other is the outer game of being successful.

'Being success' refers to the inner quality of readiness, ableness, acceptance. This is different to 'being successful' - meaning an outer quality of accomplishment in physical reality. But which do you need first?

To 'be success' like some meditative mantra, or to just get out there and make things happen, like an pumped up self-improvement junkie? Well actually there's a balance. As well as thinking about how to be successful (in the outer reality of being successful), you also control your 'inner game' of 'being success'.And with that, here is the fundamental key of how to be successful:

Efficiency. Not 'getting organized'. Not 'time management'. Efficiency. Which includes the entire gamut of personal effectiveness. Goal setting? Nah, chuck it. Getting organized? Nah, chuck that too.

Personal Success and EfficiencyHow to be successful comes from reaching efficiency. Being efficient is the best indicator I know of a person on the path of success. But most people flee from the notion of efficiency. Why? Because efficiency is first and foremost an 'inner game'.

Because whilst you can have all manner of tools, technologies, systems, processes, goals, and plans, what you can never ever get rid of, is the moment to moment self-questioning decision making between what to do next. And that is the edge of efficiency.

So many people reject the idea of efficiency as the route of how to be successful. "Hard work and effort from inside my own rationality, honesty, discipline? Yuck! I'd rather eat ice cream, get fat, earn peanuts, die easy."

Good Stuff, Nathan!

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

Product Info -- Sea Vegg

Sea Vegg®
Nutrients from the Sea

SeaVegg® comes from the pristine coast of Ireland and contains the most nutrient dense profile of sea plants ever! Ten times more nutritious than any land plant, these are the most mineral-rich and nutritionally potent family of plants on earth. The 12 varieties of sea plants in SeaVegg® were chosen out of 10,000 for their superior nutrient profile.

  • Promotes healthier skin

  • Helps fight free radicals*

  • Used to assist in weight loss

  • Naturally occurring vitamins and minerals

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

Monday, January 7, 2008

ITV Ventures--Focus = Clarity

From the desk of rennalp6h76xzg:

Photographs are clearer when they are in focus. When they are out of focus, they are blurry, indistinct. How many times have you been disappointed by the result when the focus was off?

Faces or objects are blurred, maybe even unrecognizable. Toss that one away a poor quality picture that does not meet the ideal you had in mind when you took it. Scratch it up to experience. Maybe blame it on the camera.

The quality of the reality pictures that show up in your life are also largely due to proper focus.In the first place, the ideal must be clearly held in mind. The result you desire to out-picture or manifest in your life must first be clearly and distinctly created in your imagination. It must be 'in focus'; that is, the components must be defined, clearly seen, envisioned.

In the second place, as you go about the 'doing' necessary to effectuate the picture, you must remain focused on your goal and not allow yourself to get distracted by what is going on around you.

Simple really, but it always amazes me how unfocused people are. Ask someone to describe their heart's desire and 90% of the time, you cannot get a clear description from them. It is blurry and indistinct. Generalities but no specifics. Or a description of the picture by what's not in it.

"I want health, wealth and happiness"
"So what does health mean to you?"
"Well, you know, to not be sick."
"So what does wealth mean to you?"
"Well, you know, to not be lacking."
"So what does happiness mean to you?"
"To not be sad, dissatisfied."
"I want peace."
"What's that?"
"Well, you know no more war."

Not this, not that; defining the picture, the ideal by what is not in it, instead of what is in it. The trouble with focusing on 'no more war' is that you are still focusing on war. The trouble with focusing on not being unwell is that you are still focusing on un-wellness, not wellness. The focus is on lack and limitation and not on abundance and potentiality.

As Mark Twain once said, "I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want."

All most people seem to know is what they do NOT want. Focus your attentions and intentions on those ideals that you want, desire, long for, lust after. Make that focus clear and distinct.

You get the picture you have focused on. "Prosperity is the abundance of all things held ideal in mind and dear in heart." How clear and exact are your ideals? How much desire, longing, passion is attached to them? How focused is the image in your mind? How focused is your desire to have that ideal be out-pictured in your life?

The complex thing about life is that it is wonderfully full of distractions. Here you are, focused on some purpose or goal and then this incredibly intrusive thing occurs.

Perhaps, you are in medical school, totally focused on becoming a doctor. Then this great guy shows up, beds you and before you know it, you are at home practicing motherhood instead of medicine and taking your child to the pediatrician you could have been had you not allowed yourself to be distracted, to lose focus.

Or perhaps, you are busy going about the business of creating a business and some seemingly major obstacle presents itself, so you change your mind, change your plan, change your focus to the next great business idea and the next one after that.

Life is full of distractions making it easy to lose focus. Winners stay focused. Sometimes they are so focused that you cannot even get their attention.

Funny how that is.

How does Serena win Wimbledon? Focus.

How does Lance win the Tour de France? Focus.

How does Tiger win so many tournaments? Focus.

Do you want to win the game of life? Get focused. Stay focused.


Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

Sunday, January 6, 2008

10 Reasons to Start an MLM Business (Like ITV Ventures)

Here are some AWESOME reasons to get involved with an MLM business like ITV Ventures:

1. Small Amount of Risk:

There is a certain amount of inherited risk involved when you become an entrepreneur. We are confronted with losing money, wasting time, not being in profit right away, etc. In a traditional brick and mortal business, the startup cost associated with opening that business is what holds many people back from becoming the creators of their own destiny. People do not like risk and try to avoid it by all means. We'd like a "guaranteed bet" and stay within "our safe zone". In business, you don't eliminate risks you learn to minimize them. The advantage of starting an MLM Program is that there is a small risk to get started. With a couple of hundred dollars, it is possible to get started with a company of your choice, marketing products that you consume already. The amount of financial commitment is insignificant compared to that of traditional business.

2. A Huge Demand for Good, Quality Products:

There are a myriad of network marketing companies that promote very good products. If I were considering a company to get involved with, I would always ask myself: * Would I still consume these products/services if there were no opportunity to market them? * Do these products bring any benefits to a consumer besides the opportunity to make money? * Would I bring "value" to my customers if they consume these products? Every business needs repeat customers. Distributors only get paid when they have consumers for their products and when these customers continue that consumption, then that creates the money flow.

3. Residual Income:

I am sure that you pay your gas, your electricity, and your phone bill every single month. These are the types of services that for the most part provide an ongoing stream of residual income for these companies. The greatest advantage of an MLM Program is that it gives you an opportunity to enjoy residual income just like those companies do. When the initial effort of getting a new customer is completed, you can enjoy the residual part of that business relationship. We are so used to trading our time for wedges that we often times don't see the potential residual income of an MLM Affiliate Program. By direct selling your products, you can also claim your share of the residual income pie.

4. The Income Potential:

There is no cap on how much money you can generate. In my corporate jobs, my big limitation was that regardless how hard I worked for these companies; my income was tied to a "market standard" for someone with my skills. In an MLM Program, that's not the case. It is up to you to decide how much you want to earn. An MLM company doesn't hold you back in the same way the corporate environment does. As long as you have the skills set of a trained network marketer, you make whatever income based on your stamina, dedication, and your willingness to help others. The skills set is key. Once you trained yourself to become a marketer, you can market anything you choose and generate that income you seek.

5. No Employees to Hire:

By far, this is a clear advantage over traditional businesses. An mlm affiliate program is a business of people independently working together. Without any employees, it's possible to build a business right from home. This industry gives you that added benefit, be in business without employees concerns, by having a network of independent business owners working together towards a common goal.

6. No Inventory:

Traditionally Network Marketing companies would have distributors stack up on inventory. This concept alone has given the industry a bad wrap for years. However, modern companies do capitalize on the technology and tools we have in place. We have: • Internet Telephony • The Internet • Drop Shipping Ability • Consumer Leads • Conference Lines • Web Conference • High Speed Internet Access Not having to inventory products will make your business more agile to any market condition.

7. Low Operating Costs:

The network marketing model makes possible to run a business at low costs compared to any other business model. This is where your upline's support should come in. A good upline mentor should allow you to piggyback on his expertise, on his knowledge, on his leads, and help you generate the funds to pay off your initial investment and get in profit early in the life of your business.

8. Leverage:

Your MLM Program is a: • people business • business of appointments • business of helping consumers find what they have the need for • business of helping others create businesses. You reap the rewards by leveraging the efforts of those you help. This develops a collective mindset that promotes "win-win" relationships.

9. Portability:

With the advent of technology, we can do today what distributors 15 years ago could not do and that's to make our business portable. We now have a phone technology that allows you to take your telephone and move it anywhere you like transparently to your customers. As long as you have access to the Internet via DSL or Cable, you can take your computer, your phone, and continue doing business while you are on the road, on vacation, or visiting relatives whether that be in another city or another country!

10. The Attainable Freedom:

Imagine having a productive business in network marketing providing you with a lifestyle that only the rich and famous enjoy. When all the pieces are in place, the life of a marketer can be very fulfilling indeed. That's the dream every new distributor chases and it is only attainable when there is a clear understanding of how to get there and when your marketing skills are sharp. It is not just the money, but the fulfillment of a lifestyle that makes an MLM Affiliate Program the best business to get in and your skills is what make it happen, period!


Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners
Our Blog:

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Confidence with ITV Ventures!

From the desk of Hani Al-Qasem:

Almost all successes and attainments in life come from your ability to feel certain that you can accomplish what you set out to achieve. Confidence is the gateway to success; to the life that you wish to lead and to the dreams that you desire to live.

With confidence you can boldly progress towards your ambitions and aspirations. With confidence you can rise up and handle life's demands and challenges. You can tackle any hurdle and obstruction, and move on to the next step of your journey to fulfilment and achievement.

One of the principle requirements to anything you want to do in your life is confidence. Confidence is an indispensable part of your development, betterment, progress and success, both at a personal and professional level. With confidence you can forge ahead to fulfil your potential and perform at your peak level.

Having confidence is the crux that allows you to achieve your true potential in whatever situation; in your relationships, your work or career, your finances and your self-image.When you experience a lack of confidence, it may stop you from striving for what you want. This feeling of lack of confidence can be the root of many complications and hardships that block you from achieving your desires. It can be like a large thorn that continually bursts the bubble of desire.

There may have been times when you have felt a level of confidence when you were engaged in an activity that you were good at; such as driving a car, being a parent or managing your team. At those times you would have displayed a high level of certainty, which is a form of confidence.

However, there may have been other circumstances where you found that you felt less confident. On these occasions, you would achieve a fraction of what is truly possible for you. With determination and focus to pursue and gain confidence, you can develop the strength and fortitude to climb out of the depths of any circumstances, and take advantage of the opportunities and successes that lay ahead of you.

In the same way that you have learned to lack confidence, you can also learn to have unlimited confidence. And the simplest and quickest way to kick-start the engines of your brain, is to know and accept that confidence can be an acquired process; it can be learned and formatted to suit all moments.

As your confidence increases, you can take a front row seat in mastering many areas of your life. You will find that you become more and more comfortable and confident in multiple areas, including:
  • Moving ahead in your career
  • Starting your own business
  • Embracing the risks of every day life
  • Refusing to be held back by fear
  • Creating circumstances rather than waiting for them
  • Smiling more and enjoying life
  • Dramatically improving your health

Successful and dynamic people have gained mastery on how to feel courageous and confident. When you develop and build on your own confidence skills, you, too, will feel and become a different person. You will feel much more enthusiastic, motivated and determined in every aspect of your life.

Once you improve on the way you think and feel about yourself, your beliefs and your actions will follow. You will confidently overcome the challenges that life thrusts upon you and you will manage them with new-found belief and faith in your capability to do so.

As you become more confident you abandon worry, hesitation and, more importantly, you side-step fear. The focus here is on your whole being, every part of you; your thoughts, the images in your mind, your emotions, and ultimately your behaviour and the actual outcomes in your life.Bear in mind that as you focus on change, change does begin to happen. It is fun, motivating and very rewarding to feel and see yourself growing and improving and becoming more confident and effective day-by-day and week-by-week.

There is great power in believing that you can succeed in your quest for greater confidence. With awareness and consistency, this is attainable. Your confidence can stretch beyond any measurable scale and further still, knowing no boundaries.

Just think what you can do with all the confidence that you can have!

Great Stuff!

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners