Friday, January 11, 2008

The Key Factor Of Personal Success

From the desk of Nathan F Shaw:

Time management and getting organized and goal setting and all the rest, relies on this. Whether it's for personal or business interests of any kind.

Let's start at the beginning of what we see a successful person being in general. No matter your starting point, you can become that person. A person of achievement, satisfaction, balance, progress, power, application, control, etc. (very Western values I admit).

Here comes a mind scrambler. Get this and you'll be way ahead of the success and achievement game.

Before the question... There are 2 parts required for how to be successful. One is 'being success' (an internal 'zen-like' state, your 'inner game' if you will) And the other is the outer game of being successful.

'Being success' refers to the inner quality of readiness, ableness, acceptance. This is different to 'being successful' - meaning an outer quality of accomplishment in physical reality. But which do you need first?

To 'be success' like some meditative mantra, or to just get out there and make things happen, like an pumped up self-improvement junkie? Well actually there's a balance. As well as thinking about how to be successful (in the outer reality of being successful), you also control your 'inner game' of 'being success'.And with that, here is the fundamental key of how to be successful:

Efficiency. Not 'getting organized'. Not 'time management'. Efficiency. Which includes the entire gamut of personal effectiveness. Goal setting? Nah, chuck it. Getting organized? Nah, chuck that too.

Personal Success and EfficiencyHow to be successful comes from reaching efficiency. Being efficient is the best indicator I know of a person on the path of success. But most people flee from the notion of efficiency. Why? Because efficiency is first and foremost an 'inner game'.

Because whilst you can have all manner of tools, technologies, systems, processes, goals, and plans, what you can never ever get rid of, is the moment to moment self-questioning decision making between what to do next. And that is the edge of efficiency.

So many people reject the idea of efficiency as the route of how to be successful. "Hard work and effort from inside my own rationality, honesty, discipline? Yuck! I'd rather eat ice cream, get fat, earn peanuts, die easy."

Good Stuff, Nathan!

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

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