Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm So FREAKIN Excited!

Ok so you know those late night infomercials that you never er plan on watching, but you get sucked in cuz the product looks so cool???

And when you call that 800 number and order because the deal is just TOO good to pass up, ever wonder who answers your call?

Ready for this? IT'S ME! I answer your call!! Well, me and a few thousand other insomniacs from all accross the country. And get this...It's NOT volunteer work! WE GET A PERCENTAGE OF EVERYTHING YOU BUY!

Why am I telling you this? Because these infomercials are getting bigger and better and attracting more customers, and they really need more technicians answering calls and taking orders.

So yeah...if answering phone calls in your jammies at home sounds good to you, Hop on over to ITV Ventures, and they'll put you to work!

Oh yeah...bookmark this blog and come back often! I'll be posting LOTS more great stuff! Till then........

Answer The Call!
Lisa Fine

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