Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How to Become Rich!

I’m sure you’re wondering (like I used to) how to become rich. First, what does rich mean? Well, it could mean rich in time, rich in family closeness, and, of course, financially free. But how do you actually achieve this lofty goal?

Here are a few ways...

1. Inherit a fortune – for the most part, this is a matter of luck in that you either have to be born into a family with a rich relative who will leave you their fortune or you have to encounter and befriend a wealthy person who is childless and decides to leave you their fortune. Both of these are long shots.

2. Win the Lottery – this is every sucker's dream, but frankly, the odds of meeting and befriending a childless stranger are probably greater than winning any lotteries. As for the lottery, a mathematician demonstrated that your chances of winning the lottery by purchasing a ticket are statistically only slightly (VERY slightly) greater than your chances of finding a winning ticket on the ground that someone else bought and lost. Besides, most lottery winners are broke and worse off financially within a few years.

3. Be born with a talent in great demand – This one also depends upon luck, but you do have more control and greater chances with this than with numbers 1 and 2 above. Inventory your talents to see what you have and what the market wants – athletes, singers, and entertainers are currently hot commodities. Then work very hard at developing your talent and you just might make that fortune. While it may look easy, when you take time to study the background of the beautiful millionaire model or the athlete making millions throwing a football, you will find that an incredible amount of time and effort went into reaching their present position and the stress of their present fame is usually more than most of us want to have to endure.

4. Develop an Opportunity and Run With it – Get a good education in a hot area, such as IT, web design, nano-technology, etc. Work hard to become a leader in the field and keep watching over your shoulder for the next opportunity in the field. Then, when the opportunity presents itself, throw all of your time, energy, and every cent you can get your hands on to start a company to produce the product or service. If you guessed correctly and the product or service is just what the public wants NOW, you can either go public and make a fortune on the sale of some of your stock or sell it for billions to a company like Google (a la YouTube) or Yahoo. Of course, your plan could bomb and you could find yourself with nothing but a pile of bills or, worse, fail because you were too early and have to endure the pain of seeing someone else make a fortune with the same ideas a few years later when the market is right.

5. Partner up with an established business – Find a company that will allow you to own your own business, while at the same time, take advantage of their product, their research, their legal team, their customer service, and their advertising. Make sure the compensation plan is structured in a way that will allow you to earn residual income and ask them to send those customers to you! Is there such a creature? You bet there is!

So, which avenue are you going to take? If you have found that partnering up with an established business is the right course for you, then revisit my website below and then give me a call.

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

Click here to revisit my website:

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