Sunday, February 3, 2008

The No-No Word at ITV Ventures!

When you are new to working from home with your own business, it’s easy to let one four letter word sabotage your chances. Page after page, site after site, email after email....the word is repeated again and again....and again....

Start for fr**ee download.....sign up for fr**ee*ee ebook

The constant repetition of this one word leads some new business builders to believe that they deserve to get everything they need for free!

Truth be told, free is not really free, it can cause you to waste the most valuable resource you have -- TIME.

What is your time worth?

Above all else, the monetary value received from FR*EE will be in direct proportion to FR*EE! The million dollar question:

"Why is it not free to start a business with ITV Ventures?"

My answer is...because this is a business where you can actually earn real money on your investment! Go to McDonald’s, Subway, etc. and see if they will let you open one of their franchises for FR*EE!

When you are tempted to try to do it all for FR*EE, look at the item or opportunity you are considering and ask "why would they do this for me?" Obviously, at some point, the site offering the "freebie" or the business you joined for free expects that you WILL spend some money with them.

Always remember that one definition of "free" is...."without value".

If you insist on everything for free when you start to build your online business, you may find you have a business that goes nowhere.

Building a successful work at home business will always require some investment of time and of money. To avoid disappointment and failure, be prepared to invest small amounts of money when necessary.

Choose effective ways to promote your business and use your resources of time to learn all you can about working from home and then apply that time to building a successful work at home business by working smart!

So, for a business that is worth the time and financial investment, revisit our website below and then shoot us an email.

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper (Lisa) (Jeni)

Click here to revisit our website:

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