Sunday, March 16, 2008

No Hype FAQ's About ITV Ventures!

Q. What is ITV Ventures™?

A. ITV Ventures™ is the sister company of ITV--
a six year old debt free multi media infomercial producer. This multimedia company has won some of the top award winning informercials being aired in North America.

This infomercial producer uses well know nationally recognized celebrities to promote branded health and nutrition products through direct response network marketing and drive sales directly to independent business owners.

Now independent business owners like us have the advantage of television marketing to promote exclusive products. Never again will we have to rely on family and friends to sell products to. Customers call the number during the infomercial to request more information and I take the call LIVE or I can call back the customer and answer the questions to take the orders.

Q. Where is ITV Ventures™ located?

ITV Ventures™ business is located on Long Island New York, but your business can be located at your home office or kitchen table any where in the United States and soon in Canada. Our parent company has Corporate Offices in Massachusetts, Maine, Illinois and California and soon to open in Canada. There are over 500 employees working for this company and now you can work as an independent business owner.

Q. What does ITV Ventures™ have to offer me?

A. The
ITV Ventures™ business opportunity offers regular people the chance to position themselves in a home based business and earn as little or as much as they want, working full time or part time, from their homes. Our sister company spends millions in advertising and has had over 100 million is sales for 2006 alone with a 70% growth in revenue's over the past three years.

Q. Do I have to sell products to my family and friends?

A. HECK NO! With
ITV Ventures™ home based business opportunity you do not have to bother your family or friends and sell products. Our company spends millions to produce television infomercials and when people call in for more information the company makes the lead available to the independent business owner.

All you do is answer your phone and take the order from an interested person who wants more information about the product they saw on television. When that person purchases you receive 100% profit on the retail sale. When that person continues to purchase any of the nationally advertised products you benefit because they are your customer for life.

Q. What kind of products does the company offer?

ITV Ventures™ business opportunity has many life changing and exclusive health and wellness products to offer. Make no mistake our sister company is a multimedia company so, the potential of products they can offer is unlimited. Currently the company has nationally recognized brand name health and wellness products, a make up product and is planning to add to the product line over 200 more items in the coming months.

Q. Do I have to stock the products and distribute to my customers?

A. NOPE! When becoming an independent business owner (IBO) you are not obligated to stock or ship any products. ITV Ventures™ will do all that work for you. All you do is compete an order online and tell us who you want to ship to and the company takes care of the rest. You do not have to worry about accepting cash or credit cards because your website is set up for you to make the transaction. You can drive repeat customers directly to your web site and have them enroll in our order assurance program.

Q. What is the order assurance program?

A. The order assurance program was designed to save time for the independent business owner. By enrolling your customer in the order assurance program you provide yourself a steady monthly sale and residual income. Although we encourage you to keep in contact with your customers, when they are on the order assurance program never have to worry about a repeat sale and you keep getting a residual income for the work you do one time.

Q. Isn't Multilevel Marketing(MLM) the pyramid thing?

A. Almost 100% of the time when this question is posed it is in reference to whether the company and opportunity is legal or illegal. Reference to a "pyramid scheme" has a negative connotation, meaning that the business is an illegal business or scam. Many times, the term is used to describe any kind of multilevel marketing business.

Let's deal with the question of legality first. The credibility of ITV stands on it's own. The company is well respected and continues to be recognized as the leader in the infomercial producing business. The integrity of this company is so solid and fully researched, that legality of this business model is not even an issue.

The beauty of the ITV Ventures™ compensation plan is that it is structured like a pyramid. Because this company is structured that way, you have the opportunity to earn money and benefit from the work and efforts of other people. This certainly does not make it illegal. The US Government and every single major corporation is structured like a pyramid. You have the CEO the VP and the employees.

In the business of network marketing, people at the top do not necessarily make all the money. It is very unlike the corporate structure that most people are familiar with. People that you sponsor into your business can, and often do, make more money working their business then you do. Everyone starts at square one and has the same opportunity to succeed. What you put into this business is what you will get out. In the terms of ITV Ventures™ as being a "pyramid", I'm proud to say that a pyramid is the most solid structure know to humankind.

Q. How much can I make?

A. The sky's the limit!! The amount of money you earn in this business is solely determined by your own efforts. If you work seriously, and receive the free training provided you will earn money. On the other hand if you do not have a commitment to working your business, all the free training and help from
ITV Leaders will not help you to earn. Some people work their business a few hours a week and others work it full time. Success only comes before work in the dictionary.

Q. I have tried network marketing before and I have not had any success. What makes ITV Ventures™ any different?

A. The restaurant analogy is best used here. Assuming you went to a restaurant last night and the food was horrible. The bread was stale, the main dish was bland even the desert was terrible. In addition, you were overcharged for the bad food and poor service. Now just because you had a bad experience at that one particular restaurant, are you going to give up on all restaurants forever?

ITV Ventures™ has set a new standard for network marketing by using the power of television to promote the products that you offer. These people have shown an interest or have had a past history of purchasing these nationally recognized branded products. This is the only company that drives sales to your business with paid television advertising. Think of this as your opportunity to have an ice cream store on the corner near the school.

Answering the Call,
Lisa Fine and Jeni Roper
ITV Independent Business Owners

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